The Gottman Initiative: Join the hybrid entrepreneurship initiative across ecosystems. Benefit from an aggregated view on entrepreneurship with our TUM Entrepreneurship Guide.
Here you can find frequently asked questions, to gain a deeper understanding of The Gottman Initiative.
What is The Gottman Initiative?
The Gottman Initiative is a hybrid layer across entrepreneurship offerings of entrepreneurial ecosystems at university. Your benefit: The TUM Entrepreneurship Guide gives you an aggregated overview on everything that matters when it comes to entrepreneurship at TUM.
How can I benefit from The Gottman Initiative?
Simply register to get an up-to-date overview about entrepreneurship and get access to our TUM Entrepreneurship Guide. In case you've already founded a start-up, you can join our 2-year program for co-founders.
What's the genesis of The Gottman Initiative?
The Gottman Initiative, initially a small initiative only accessible to Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) and TUM start-ups, is set to support co-founders but also you as students.
Who do you already cooperate with?
We work together with a wide set of partners. This includes universities, venture capital firms, and start-ups. More than 300 founders are already part of The Gottman Initiative. Your contributions make the TUM Entrepreneurship Guide a dynamic, up-to-date and living knowledge base.
Exciting idea! How can I bring the TUM Entrepreneurship Guide to another university ecosystem or to my student initiative?
Reach out to us! There are so many opportunities ahead. We're 100% independent and open-source.